All because of Love
Three things I’ve been thinking about that are changing me in this season. Maybe they will resonate with you too. Christ’s presence, His power, and His love.
“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b
The infamous passage from Matthew 28 deemed the Great Commission ends with this amazing promise. Jesus didn’t just command that we go into all the world to make disciples, teaching & sharing with those around us about the great truth of the gospel. He promised to be with us. This comforts me so much right now because God is revealing a lot of opportunities that I may not have seen a few years ago. Opportunities that I may have run from or ignored. But now I see that He wants me to run to them. There is no way I can do that on my own. Whether in our own home or with a crowd of people I’ve never met, nothing I do or say can truly have an impact for Christ unless He is with me. And with all the hard things in life, I could not survive without knowing He will never leave me. He is the constant. He is ever present.
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us…” Ephesians 3:20
His power. I am counting on His power. In the past few years it has hit me more and more how powerful God is. I tell my kids often, “God raised Jesus from the dead…that’s the most miraculous, amazing power you could ever imagine! And that power lives inside of us as believers!” Do I always live like that is true? No. Do I always walk in that hope? Not always. But oh, how I want to! There are many situations I am praying about right now that I just can’t see much hope in with my human eyes. But God’s power is real. It is Resurrection power. He can do anything. He is able. His will be done.
“Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.” 1 Cor. 10:24
Last, but definitely not least, is His love. Love is what motivates everything God does. The greatest command He calls us to is to love Him–because He first loved us–and to love our neighbor. When he went to the cross, Jesus did not seek his own good. He did not command legions of angels to save him, but he could have. Instead he humbled himself completely. Because of love, He sacrificed everything. He loved, and loves, though we do not love in return. This Good Friday I am reminded again of the depravity of my own heart. I tend toward sin & selfishness. I am so prone to wander. Christ did not die on the cross to give me a happy, comfortable life, but to save me from the pit of hell, which I know might sound harsh but that’s the reality of where I’d be headed if I were to go my own way. And if He forgives me that completely, shouldn’t I seek to forgive others and put their good above my own? I fail daily, but I come back to His presence and power, because there’s not a chance I can love well on my own. He is love.
Lord, have mercy. Allow us to see your Resurrection power this Easter, your constant presence with us, and your amazing Love that saves and surrounds. Praise the Lord. He died for me, and for you. And He is Risen!