Power in weakness
“If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness…”
-2 Corinthians 11:30
Transition is a very stretching time. Change is not comfortable. I like comfortable. I like routine. I like predictable. A friend I was recently talking with at church equated my description of mission life and transition as an orange being squeezed in a juicer…

Yes! We are in the juicer! The Lord knows the stress, the discomfort, the many questions in our minds and hearts right now. We are fully in a time of transition. We’re preparing to leave the US in two weeks, saying many hard good byes, and Lord willing, picking up life again in our community in Kenya, for His purposes and His glory.
It feels like a time of weakness. I need God desperately all the time, but I really feel it heavily in this. I need him to navigate these waters, to meet each one of us in our crazy roller coaster of emotions on a day to day basis, to guide us in packing, to provide the time we need for good good byes, to give us health and strength. I need Him to show us His power made perfect in our weakness!
Praise the Lord, He is faithful. I have seen that He can be trusted. Church is typically started off in Kenya with these words, “God is good…all the time. All the time…God is good.”
We’d appreciate your prayers as our family departs on this journey for our next term in Kenya. And may the Lord show himself perfect in your weakness today too.