A Part to Play
“In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33b
What is a real missionary? I’ve been asking myself this question for years. And I’ve given a real missionary many different, unrealistic faces…someone who has no running water or electricity most (or all) of the time, one who makes their milk from powder, someone who faces real persecution for their faith and has to use ‘code’ to talk about the Lord in their emails or posts, someone who drives themselves on the tenuous roads in their country, someone who deals with major insects and exhausting heat, and someone who is just joyful all the time, despite the hardships of living overseas, facing many challenges and oppositions.
So you decide, do any of these descriptions constitute a real missionary? I don’t know if I really know, but maybe God is leading me away from this question entirely and to a new question. Am I being faithful in what He has asked me to do? Am I playing my part? Do I believe I really have a part?
It is so tempting to compare. It is so tempting to doubt. Jesus came to earth as a babe all those years ago for the whole world. For everyone. We ALL have a part in His story of redemption. No matter how troubled my soul feels, I can have confidence that God is always at work in me and in the world. Maybe all He’s really asking is for me to say a simple yes. Yes, Lord, I’ll take the next step of faith. I’ll draw near to that child who’s actively repelling me. I’ll have that conversation…
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
Jesus doesn’t list out the qualities of a good witness or missionary. He simply says we will be his witnesses when we have the power of the Holy Spirit living in us. In loving God and loving others, albeit imperfectly as I do, I can move forward the kingdom of God.
So I’m asking the Lord to reshape my perspective on being here in Kenya, to remind me that I have a part to play, even when I might think it’s not that great.

Make my faith stronger, Lord. Help me to give you glory for my life and work, no matter how it compares to anyone else’s. Help me walk each day, fully trusting that You are able and You are good! You are Emmanuel, God with me, always.
I am amazed by it all!!!! The kids are growing so fast. Would love to keep up with your journey.