Easter Confession

The Joy of Easter is real and it is wonderful. The hope that we have because Jesus our Savior came to earth, lived a sinless life that we never could, and took on all our sins on the cross to make us holy and righteous… That should give us all immense peace and joy. But I confess that I don’t live in that joy every day like I want to. There was a prayer of confession led by a dear friend at our Easter service this morning. It really struck me, so I wanted to share it here.
“Loving God, we confess that at times we do not share in the joy of the resurrection but are caught in the worries of this world. We confess that we do not always live in the spirit of new life, but remain discontent, grumbling and anxious. Forgive us for not sharing in the Good News. Forgive us when we find it more comfortable to worry and complain than to risk the joy and encouragement of new life in Christ. Call us back to Your ways, O God, to seek hope and reconciliation, restoration and peace. In the name of the Risen Christ we pray. Amen.”
Happy Easter. The LORD is Risen indeed!