Change of Seasons

There have been many blessings on both sides of the ocean for our family. We are so grateful for these last seven years serving with WGM, and at Tenwek Hospital. We are mostly grateful for the amazing people we have been able to know and serve beside. We now know godly people in many places around the globe who are using what God has given them to share His love with the nations. It’s a beautiful thing how God does that. By his Spirit he leads his children in his will. We have had many “divine appointments” through the connections we’ve made on multiple continents. God is so faithful.
We are now entering a new season. We’ve been back in the United States for about 6 months. We are still very much in the ups and downs of transition, getting used to life here and establishing some roots again in community. After much prayer and discernment we have decided to resign from full-time missions work with World Gospel Mission. We tried to see if we could stay on and still do short-term assignments, but logistically it just wasn’t what was right for us at this time. We hope to continue doing short-term trips, and will likely do that mostly through Triad Pediatrics Foundation.
Our biggest missions venture is to our family and our kids. We would love your prayers for wisdom in parenting and connection in marriage, and for us all to know & remember the Lord’s great Love every day. His mercies never come to an end! We will be launching one son to college next year, Lord willing, and then one the year after that. Pray for them to be clearly led by God into their next season, wherever that may be.
We very much still desire to live our lives on mission. Please pray for us to know how to continue ministry to kids and families both locally and globally.
If you have been following our journey all along, thank you so much! If you have been supporting us financially and/or prayerfully, thank you SO much! You have upheld us in many ways! We hope to continue to write and update this blog as we can, and as the Lord leads. For now, I will just say that though our missions journey has not been easy, it has been so rewarding. We grieve the things we are leaving behind in no longer being considered “long-term,” but we also are excited about the future and what God will do in and through our family, for His glory.
Thank you for serving all these years in Kenya. You all have touched many lives as yours have been touched as well. God is good. I’m excited to see what He will do next with the Dillards! Love you!
Thank you for sharing your hearts. The Sarine family will continue to pray for your family. God be praised for all that is next!