About Us
We are just a family seeking to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in all that we do and say and are. We are made up of 1 doctor, 1 nurse, 4 rowdy, wonderful boys, and 2 just as wild (but they like pink a lot more) and precious little girls. We are raising up warriors for the Lord, trying to train them in God’s Word and His ways faithfully every day, and failing all the time. We do loud very well. We also say we’re sorry a lot.

In 2017, God took our family on mission to Kenya for 6 months. Tom served as a pediatrician at Tenwek Mission Hospital, and Emily served in our home, discipling and schooling the kids, and in the local community as much as possible. It was a wonderful, beautiful and challenging time. God was and is so faithful. We believed our time in Kenya was not done, and so we returned to Tenwek in July 2019 for our first 2-year term as long-term missionaries serving with World Gospel Mission. Then we went back to Tenwek for another term starting in summer, 2022. We are now (as of fall 2024) back in Greensboro, NC for the foreseeable future. We are still passionate about serving the Lord and reaching the nations for Him. We hope to continue to travel overseas as He leads and allows.

The Lord is consistently teaching us to lay everything down, to trust Him completely, and to follow Him unreservedly. It’s a wild journey, for sure. But He is good.