Days are busy here. We’re thankful to be in the full swing of fall, with all the activity it brings. We are also thankful to now officially be “Missionary Disciples” with World Gospel Mission. We will post more details about that in the very near future!

Today I just wanted to ponder for a second what it means to be a follower of Christ in the world we live in. I have been studying Romans, and the first few chapters deal a lot with outer appearances and what they really mean. There is a lot of emphasis on the heart, and on our motives and actions lining up with what we say we know and believe.
In becoming a missionary, I feel like our family has shifted a bit into a place where we are “watched” more closely by people around us. It’s a little weird, I admit. I think if I were left to my own instincts I’d just be content to be in the background of life. But God has different plans! I am so thankful for the community and friendships that are growing through this adventure, but I do get uncomfortable when anyone says I’m a “hero” or they have no idea how I could take all my kids to Africa…again. Becoming missionaries definitely doesn’t make us super Christians. I am just like anyone else, with fears, doubts, and failures. Every day. I am a sinner in need of a Savior.
But I guess that’s where it hit me. Even if we don’t seek it out, there is a platform for Christians in these days. All of us. How do we stand for Truth, how to we respond to tragedy, how do we bring honor to God’s name among people who are desperate, people who do not know Him or maybe don’t even see a need for Him? Four words came to my mind as I thought about this in recent days. Love. Listen. Pray. Provide.
First, I think we have to love. We love because God first loved us. That is the heart of the gospel. God loved us so he gave (John 3:16)…his Son came to die the death that we deserve, in order to give us Life. It’s upside down. So, because of His love, even when we are wronged or hurt in the worst of ways, we can and should choose to love. Then we listen. Being a better listener is something God is really working on in me. It began in Kenya, I think, when I was faced with many situations where I just did not know what I should do to help someone. It always began with listening to their story. And I had to listen closely because often it involved some very broken English! I’m learning that giving a listening ear to someone in need is often a huge gift, and maybe it’s even just the catalyst they need to be reminded that God sees them, and he wants them to know he listens too. It takes time, and sometimes a bit of sacrifice, but it’s good to listen.
A third thing that God brought to my mind in regards to being His name-bearer on this earth is to pray. Pretty obvious. But do we really do it? I know I have been convicted many times, thinking I know I said I’d pray for that person but did I really do it? It’s helped me to sometimes just be bold enough (though it sure pulls me out of my comfort zone) to stop and pray with and for that person right then if the oppportunity arises.
Lastly, we provide. How do we know how to help someone? How to provide what they really need? I don’t know the answer to that. I’m learning and will continue to learn. But I pray that I would be authentic, not impulsive. That I would follow the Holy Spirit’s lead. He is not in a rush. He will show us what truly matters and when. And I pray that anytime I provide a physical or tangible need of some kind for someone that it would only be from a pure heart and motives.
Everything we do matters. Whether we see the effects now or a long time from now. I pray I would be faithful. May we all be faithful. He is faithful.