Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. -Hebrews12:1-3
You’ve probably heard by now that our family enjoys animals. We have had some fun here in Kenya raising chickens. I am not a runner. But the few times I have run, I know that it is important to look ahead. It is important to look at your path, and to not avert your eyes much from that. The funny thing is, chickens do the same thing! Our kids like to sometimes take our chickens out for a chicken race. They find a starting line (usually up high so the chickens can get a flying start), and then they let them go, seeing who makes it “home” to their coop the fastest. Well, no matter where you take those chickens, they know how to run home. And they do it with purpose and precision. It’s really a sight to see!

God has been impressing on me a lot lately about running our race. And running with perseverance. Living here these past couple years has brought us to many desperate places in our family. We have had times when we have felt very weary and like we’re losing heart. We have had times we’ve struggled for joy. But I would say the constants that have helped us make it through have been God’s word and the faith of those who have gone before. The first one might seem obvious and a very Christian missionary-type thing to say. But I can’t say it enough that the Bible is my absolute lifeline. When I am sick, when I’m discouraged, when I can barely pull myself out of bed, when I feel hopeless about a child or a situation, Jesus always lifts me up through His word. When I can’t even read it, I just listen to a soothing British voice speak it to me with guitar music in the background (plug for the Dwell app).
The second constant might be a little less obvious. It has been focusing on those faithful saints who have gone before. I’ve found that reading pointed biographies has really encouraged me more than ever these past couple years. I love to read of other Christians’ “races” and how God carried them through. There are so many people with such a harder life than me, and who have had to face much more dire circumstances even in serving God outside their comfort zone! It just puts things into perspective. After I put down a book with a story of God’s faithfulness amidst the trials, I am always able to take a bit of a deeper breath, knowing that though circumstances are different, our God is still the same. Jesus Christ is the same-yesterday, today and forever. He is 100% faithful. He sees, and He cares about our every need.

So, as we prepare to pack up and leave Kenya for now, I have been reflecting on what it means to run our race. It doesn’t mean looking at the people next to me and how they may have done it better. It does mean gaining strength and encouragement from what God is and has been doing in the lives of other believers, being thankful to be surrounded by such a great “cloud of witnesses” to His mercy and grace. It means throwing off sin—maybe anxiety or insecurity, or unbelief. It means I run my race, while you run yours, and we both trust God for perseverance along the way. It means setting my mind and heart on the LORD, who has been the only one who has run this earthly race perfectly. And it means remembering all that He went through for me. I have not yet suffered as much as He did, and I can count on the fact that no matter what lies ahead, He will get me through. The purpose of my race is ultimately to point to Him.
So we may not be running for our lives like the chickens, but we can still keep our eyes fixed on our eternal home, on our perfect Savior. May we trust Him to give us the strength we need for the race He’s marked out!