Sometimes when you have a million and twelve things to do, you just sit down to write a blog post. Yep, that’s what you do.
I’ve been formulating in my mind for weeks how to describe these preparations God has us in. He’s preparing us physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally…on so many levels.
I will be brief, but I think there is a bit to share. It might be true to say we are all always in some sort of preparation time. We may not know what we’re being prepared for, but there is so much that is unknown in this life and the future. So in these weeks of getting ready to pick up our lives and transport them to life and ministry in Kenya, I just want to be as aware as possible, as present as possible, to the work the Lord is doing.
Things I’m learning in this season of preparation:
- He holds ALL things together. There is no amount of strength I can muster to get us ready for what lies ahead. In many ways, I have no idea what lies ahead. I can’t hold it all together, but thankfully we know who can, and that He does.
- The sun rising in the east is a sure thing, every day. And just like that, our heavenly Father cares for us and knows what we need even before we ask.
- Tears come, for the adults and kids alike, and not always for the reasons we think. Sometimes even in a season of busyness, there needs to be time to stop, acknowledge the tears, give thanks for God’s good gifts and remember that He knows our heartaches, disappointments, and hopes too.
- God will always be urging us to trust Him more. A practical example of this: we got our plane tickets and thought “Yay, we finally have set a date to go.” Then, feeling settled with that, we found out a few days later we’ll be living in a different home than we thought in Kenya, and it’s not quite finished being built yet. Yikes! Another opportunity to trust Him…
- The work is His. As much as we have a role and responsibility in fulfilling what God has called us to, it is His work. We have to trust Him to sustain it and continue it.

- He answers prayers and gives good gifts. There have been many practical examples, even small ones, of this recently. Just when I feel like I’ve about given up on something, God shows me he’s always hearing and answering and loving us. Lord, help my unbelief!
- On a similar note, I’m reminded to stay steadfast in the faith, even in the face of adversity and challenges, even when I don’t feel like my prayers are heard. Steadfastness, perseverance and endurance might be some of the biggest needs we have.
So, if you think of praying for our family in this juggling of a million and 12 things right now, we’d greatly appreciate it. May we turn to the Lord and may He faithfully prepare us all for what lies ahead.